Customer Return Receipts

Once a customer return is approved it can be received at the designated receiving warehouse. The warehouse operative receipts the returned items arriving at the receiving warehouse.

All the customer return lines related to the customer return receipt lines must belong to the same customer return header. An error will display if you attempt to create a receipt line for a customer return line that doesn't belong to the originating customer return. You can receive all the lines on a customer return at once, or you can select individual lines to receive.

Note: Printing is not supported for CRET receipts.

The Customer Return Receipt Page

The customer return receipt page lists the customer return lines for the selected customer return and shows the following information for each line:

  • Customer Return Line Number
  • Item Master
  • Item Description
  • To Return - The quantity of the customer return line that has not yet been received.
  • Actual Quantity Returned - The quantity of the customer return line that has been received.
  • Quantity Received
  • Status

The Actual Quantity Returned field is updated automatically as customer return lines are received. The Actual Quantity Returned field cannot be changed manually.

Partial Customer Return Receipts

Multiple customer return receipts allow for partial customer returns, and can be created for return items that belong to the same customer return line but which don't arrive at the receiving warehouse together.

Return items can arrive at the receiving warehouse at different times for the following reasons:

  • Customer return items can be sent back to the supplier from more than one customer site.
  • Customer return items can be sent back to the supplier from the same customer site, but at different times.

Customer Return Quantities

Customer return items arriving at the receiving warehouse are received against the originating customer return line. Each customer receipt quantity is added to the quantity already received for the related customer return line. The customer return is updated to show the revised actual quantity returned and the remaining quantity to return.

The default value for Quantity Received is the To Return quantity minus the Actual Quantity Returned.

The Quantity Received field on the customer return receipt is editable so you can update the quantity received value for each customer return line on the receipts page as more items related to that customer return line are received.

You will need to update the quantity received value if the quantity for the latest receipt is less than the default value.


When a customer return has a status of New, the To Return field can be modified. However, to maintain consistency of data as the customer return progresses through the system, once the status changes to anything other than New, the To Return field is updated automatically and cannot be modified manually.

Customer Return Quantity Updates After Receipt

When items related to a customer return line are received the receipt is reflected on the customer return line.

The Actual Quantity Returned field on the customer return line will be updated:

  • When new customer return receipt lines are created.
  • When the quantity of a receipt line is modified.

The quantity of a customer return receipt line cannot be modified if it has a status of Received.

Customer Return Status Updates After Receipt

The status of the customer return must be Approved before you can receive it and the system can only create or update a customer return receipt line when the status of the originating customer return line is Approved.

The status of the customer return updates as the returned items are received into the designated return warehouse.

Customer Return Status Updates

The customer return status updates are as follows:

Customer Return Line StatusCustomer Return Status
No lines received.Approved
Customer return with a single line and the Actual Quantity Returned equals the To Return quantity.Received
At least one line has a status of Partially Received.Partially Received
Customer return with more than one line and at least one, but not all the lines have a status of Received.Partially Received
Customer return with more than one line and at least one line has a status of Received and the rest of the lines have a status of Received or Inspected.Received

Customer Return Line Status Updates

The customer return line status updates are as follows:

Customer Return Receipt Line StatusCustomer Return Line Status
The Actual Quantity Returned value is greater than zero but less than the To Return value.Partially Received
The Actual Quantity Returned value is equal to the To Return value.Received

When all the customer return lines have been received in full, the status of the customer return header and lines will update to Received. If the status of any of the customer return lines changes from Received to Approved, the customer return status will update to Approved.

When a customer return receipt is created, its associated inspection task is generated and can be accessed from the Action Queues Inspection tab.

You can delete customer return receipt lines after they have been created but they must have a status of Reversed before you can delete them.

Serial Numbers in Customer Return Receipts

Items arriving at the designated receiving warehouse that have inbound/outbound serial numbers or unique serial control can have their serial numbers entered in the associated customer return receipt. The serial number information is then registered with the inventory position created for the returned items.

You can receive customer return items that have the following serial number controls:

  • Discrete Serial Number control: one receipt line is created for each item that has a unique serial number. The quantity for each receipt line is always equal to zero.
  • Inbound/Outbound serial number control: one receipt line is created for the whole quantity indicated on the related customer return line.

If any items on the customer return are serialized items, a serial number selection page opens when you create the customer return receipt. This page displays after you select the customer return lines that you are creating the receipt for and enables you to add the required serial numbers to each receipt line originating from the selected customer return lines. Only the serial number associated with the selected customer return lines are available for selection.

The serial number selection page will not display if the selected customer return lines only contain non-serialized items.

The system checks that the serial numbers in the customer return receipt match the serial numbers on the associated customer return line. It also checks for duplicate serial number entries. A new serial number record is created for each serial number that is received.


You cannot add a serial number to a non-serialized customer return line item.

The Quantity Received value for serial number controlled items must be a whole number greater than zero.

The Quantity Received value must not be greater than the To Return value on the associated customer return line.